Hong Kong Tea with Milk

This is a repost from the original 2016 blog post about the super-strong curiously addictive Hong Kong style tea with milk. Simply called “nai cha”, this characteristically un-Chinese concoction of boiled tea with evaporated milk is a mainstay of local Hong Kong life.
Lockdown Yeast: How I captured my pandemic sourdough starter

Although I cook quite a lot, I never considered myself a very good baker. The COVID-19 lockdown encouraged me to try my hand at cultivating yeast and baking bread. One year on, it’s still bringing me joy.
Super small and cheap Arduino with an ATtiny13a

Consider using a “bare chip” for your next Arduino project. The Atmel (Microchip) ATtiny13a is a great option where small size and low cost are a requirement.
Seeeduino XIAO - The Cheap, Fast, Mini Go-to Arduino Board!

If you’re looking for an inexpensive, easy-to-use, feature packed Arduino compatible microcontroller with a small form factor, check out the Seeeduino XIAO from Seeed Studio. Here’s my sum-up of this impressive board.